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At Bertram s Hotel

Christie Agatha



Price: $32.99
Format: Hardback
ISBN13: 9780008612009
Published: May 2023

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This is a new book. Condition: Brand New.

A grand old London hotelA series of alarming coincidencesDanger lurking down every corridor
Impeccable service. Luxurious rooms. Eccentric guests. There are worse places for Canon Pennyfather to find himself stranded than Bertram's Hotel.

But when he gets his dates in a muddle and attempts to travel to Lucerne a day too late, he unwittingly sets off a violent chain of events.

And Miss Marple is convinced there is more going on than meets the eye.

Never underestimate Miss Marple

'Agatha Christie inspired me, aged eleven, to write my own murder mystery set in a country village. I can't remember much of the plot (think the vicar did it) but Christie has been inspiring me ever since.'
Elly Griffiths


Book details and technical specifications

Format: Hardback
ISBN13: 9780008612009
Published: May 2023

Number of pages: 272
Width: 126 mm
Height: 190 mm
Depth: 26 mm

Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers

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