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Steer, Dugald



Price: $55.00
Format: Hardback
ISBN13: 9781840118520
Published: October 2004

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This is a new book. Condition: Brand New.

Explore the lovingly kept journal of a lost adventurer.
With a stunning gold foiled and embossed cover featuring three 'jewels', and with its creation overseen by TGH James, ex keeper of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum, Egyptology is Emily Sands' lavish 1926 scrapbook journal of a lost expedition. Full of novelties and recreations, such as a piece of mummy cloth, a booklet on hieroglyphs and a working board game, the book brims with beautiful art and fascinating facts about Ancient Egypt, and a has a final magnificent novelty in the back case.

Also available: Egyptology: The Colouring Companion 9781783706235

Book details and technical specifications

Format: Hardback
ISBN13: 9781840118520
Published: October 2004

Number of pages: 30
Width: 265 mm
Height: 310 mm
Depth: 23 mm

Publisher: Templar Books

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