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How the Body Works

Dorling Kindersley



Price: $35.00
Format: Hardback
ISBN13: 9780241188019
Published: May 2016

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This is a new book. Condition: Brand New.

Understand yourself from body to brain!

How The Body Works is a fascinating exploration of the weird and wonderful processes that occur within the human body, often without us knowing. Understand how our bodies keep us alive and thriving and get to the bottom of such niggling questions as why we get dizzy, why we get butterflies in our stomachs, and why we get jetlag!

How The Body Works is a bold and accessible visual guide to every aspect of how the human body and brain works, combining the science of human anatomy books with beautiful images. Enjoy this enlightening resource that covers everything from skin to bone and even the psychology of dreams and emotions.

Book details and technical specifications

Format: Hardback
ISBN13: 9780241188019
Published: May 2016

Number of pages: 256
Width: 202 mm
Height: 240 mm
Depth: 27 mm

Publisher: Dorling Kindersley Ltd

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