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Mid Century Ads 40th Ed

Heller Steven



Price: $49.99
Format: Hardback
ISBN13: 9783836591478
Published: October 2023

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This is a new book. Condition: Brand New.

Gleaned from thousands of images, this book offers the best of American print advertising in the age of the "Big Idea." From the height of American consumerism, bold and colorful campaigns paint a fascinating portrait of the 1950s and '60s, as concerns about the Cold War gave way to the carefree booze-and-cigarettes capitalism of the Mad Men era.

Digitally remastered for optimum reproduction quality, the ads burst with crisp fonts and colors, as well as a sexy sense of possibility, beguiling their audience to buy everything from guns to girdles, cars to toothpaste, air travel to home appliances. At turns startling, amusing and inspiring, this panorama of midcentury marketing is at once an evocative period piece and a showcase of design innovation and advertising wit.

Book details and technical specifications

Format: Hardback
ISBN13: 9783836591478
Published: October 2023

Number of pages: 512
Width: 156 mm
Height: 217 mm
Depth: not specified

Publisher: Taschen GmbH

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