Rare Sociology Books
Displaying books 121 - 140 of 791 in total
The History of Bathurst 1815-1915. Compiled from available records and Personal Memory (in 1938). Ed. (in 1993) by Rex & Christopher Morgan.
Published: 1994
Stock No. 252841
$60.00 Online price
$50.00 Online price
Remonstrance addressed to the Secretary of State against the introduction of Chinese by the Government of Western Australia at the public expense ...
Published: 1881
Stock No. 250938
$75.00 Online price
The Chinese of Kiandra New South Wales. A Report to the Heritage Office of the N.S.W. Dept. of Urban Development.
Published: 1997
Stock No. 250934
$200.00 Online price
Archaeology and History of the Chinese in Southern New Zealand during the Nineteenth Century. ...A Thesis ...
Published: 1986
Stock No. 250931
$200.00 Online price
Archaeological investigations at the Kiandra Chinese Camp Koscuiszko National Park N.S.W.
Published: 2001
Stock No. 250930
$150.00 Online price
Nineteenth Century Chinese Goldminers of Central Otago: A Study of the Interplay between Cultural Conservatism and Acculturation through an analysis of changing diet.
Published: 1984
Stock No. 250929
$150.00 Online price
Cold Hard Cash. A study of Chinese ethnicity in archaeology at Kiandra New South Wales.
Published: 1998
Stock No. 250932
$400.00 Online price
Savage Africa: Being the Narrative of a tour in Equatorial South-Western and North-Western Africa; with notes on the habits of the Gorilla; on the existence of unicorns and tailed men; on the slave trade; on the origin character and capabilities
Published: 1864
Stock No. 249430
$500.00 Online price
An Act to regulate the Immigration of Chinese and to make provision against their becoming a charge upon the Colony.
Published: 1877
Stock No. 248897
$50.00 Online price
Despatch and Correspondence Respecting the Deportation of South Sea Islanders From the Secretary of State for the Colonies.
Published: 1871
Stock No. 247326
$220.00 Online price
(Correspondence respecting) Commodore Wilson's Report on the Labour Trade in the Western Pacific. With appendix by N. de Miklaeho-Maclay entitled "Notes in re Kidnapping and Slavery in the Western Pacific".
Published: 1882
Stock No. 246796
$100.00 Online price
A Statistical Historical and Political Description of the Colony of New South Wales and its dependent Settlements in Van Diemen's Land:
Published: 1819
Stock No. 246706
$1,500.00 Online price
$60.00 Online price
Australians and Greeks. 3 vols complete and all published. (Vol.I: The Early Years; Vol. II: The Middle Years; Vol. III: The Later Years).
Published: 1992-2004
Stock No. 244512
$300.00 Online price